
Hubhawks’ Journey

Styled Text

Sept, 2020

In Times Gone By

Kevin Missal, nationally bestselling author of the Kalki trilogy, thought of the challenges being faced by new authors and started Hubhawks with a team of 3 people.

The Kickstart

Within a few months, we got our angel investment of Rs. 15 lakh by the publishing industry veteran Mr. Anuj Bahri - Founder of Bahrisons Booksellers.


Dream of Overcoming Geographical Barriers

In the year 2021, we got our first international client. In the following few months, one became many. At present, Hubhawks caters to a diverse array of clients from UAE, Australia, USA, Canada, Pakistan, Kuwait, Indonesia, etc.

Spike in Author Count

In just two years we have worked with over 100 authors, out of which over 10 have produced bestselling books.

Influential Partnerships

Hubhawks has partnered with the biggest bookstores in India: Sapna, WH Smith, Crossword, Wilco, etc.

Remarkable Work

Hubhawks has had the opportunity to work with the biggest publishing houses like Penguin Random House India, Harper Collins India, Bloomsbury India, Simon and Schuster India, Audible India, leadstart, RedInk etc.

Disrupting the Literary Space with Digital Tools

One of a kind platform for budding authors and freelancers, wherein the authors can avail any literary services pre or post writing and the freelancers can easily get their desired projects of their niche.